Keeping Our Community Center Open
The Methow Valley Community Center has remained open for over 43 years! Thanks to all of you, we have a place to support our local community, welcome visitors and newcomers, a space for arts and music performances, a wonderful library, plus a gym for recreation and special events.
Stop in to see the many improvements made over the years! Your donation to our campaign through Give Methow will help us continue to keep our building open and our programs accessible for all to enjoy. Click here by October 31 to Give Today!
We are grateful to the Community Foundation of North Central Washington (CFNCW) for their support of non-profit organizations in the Methow Valley.
Through the work and dedication of many individuals and CFNCW, we have been able to upgrade our historic building in Twisp. We have focused our latest improvements in the gym, a part of valley life for over 75 years. We have added acoustic panels to improve the quality of sound and have added new windows where the old windows had been boarded up. We remodeled the kitchen for use during events such as holiday concerts and celebrations of life. We are proud of our work here and wish to continue for many years to come.
Our mission statement is “Honoring our Past, Caring for our Community, Building our Future.” These are action words meant to convey the active role we have played in this valley for more than a decade. Built in 1912 as Twisp School, this building was rescued from the wrecking ball by community members who created a space for a library, teen center, and daycare. Over the years we have helped launch many worthwhile startup businesses such as Room One, Door #3 print arts, and Methow Valley Theatre.
We hope you will choose to support the Methow Valley Community Center in our mission to keep this building vital and used by generations of locals. We can do amazing things together.
Please click here to view our Give Methow video along with Justin Porter’s appeal for Friends of The Pool.
View the beautiful 3 minute slideshow for all Give Methow non-profits here.
We appreciate your support and thank you!
Kirsten Ostlie, Executive Director